Brand: Absolut - Boutique: Dufry

Absolut Citron 40% 100cl

L'ingrediente principale di un Cosmopolitan, in Absolut Citron, limone e lime sono miscelati per produrre un distillato con un carattere di agrumi distinto ma anche con un pizzico di dolcezza. Absolut Citron Vodka si mescola bene con una vasta gamma di succhi di frutta e mixer. Provalo in un Cosmopolitan o semplicemente mescolato con tonica e limone. Questa vodka premium è stata distillata da grano coltivato nei ricchi campi della Svezia meridionale. A differenza di altre vodka e liquori, non contiene zucchero aggiunto, il che la rende perfetta per la miscelazione. Absolut è stata prodotta nelle famose vecchie distillerie vicino ad Ahus in conformità con oltre 400 anni di tradizione svedese. La vodka è stata venduta con il nome Absolut dal 1879.

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      Alcohol By Volume: 40%
      Brand: Absolut
      Country Of Origin: Sweden
      Flavour: Yellow Fruits
      How To Enjoy: Ingredients: • Ice Cubes. • 40 ml Absolut Citron. • 20 ml Triple Sec. • 20 ml Lime Juice. • 20 ml Cranberry Juice. • 1 Twist Orange Zest. How to make: Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange zest twist.
      Ingredients: Please, take into account that the product information about its composition (ingredients or materials), nutritional values or instructions, among others, may be modified by manufacturers without prior notice. Therefore, please verify its content once you receive the product. 
      Key Selling Points: Absolut Citron is made exclusively from natural ingredients, and unlike some other flavored vodkas, it doesn’t contain any added sugar. To put it short and simple: Absolut Citron is smooth, rich and very fresh with a distinct note of freshly pressed lemon and lime and a slightly sweet and fruity finish. The Absolut distillery in Nöbbelöv is the most energy efficient distillery in the world. Since 2004 we have halved our energy consumption.
      Liquor Colour: White
      Size: 1l
      Tasting Notes Finish: The finish is long and smooth.
      Tasting Notes Nose: Very fresh with distinct notes of freshly pressed lemons followed by a touch of complex fruitiness and peels of lime.
      Tasting Notes Palate: Smooth, rich and fresh with a deep fruitiness, a slight acidity and a natural sweetness. Long, smooth and fruity finish.
    • Taglia: 1l
    • Tenant: Dufry
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