Brand: Glenfiddich - Boutique: Dufry

Glenfiddich Vat 3 15YO 50.2% 70cl

Elevato per oltre 15 anni di maturazione in botti di rovere europeo di sherry ed ex-bourbon e un processo degno di nota per il suo movimento continuo, VAT 3 incarna distintamente lo spirito pionieristico di Glenfiddich. Derivato da Solera VAT 3, questo whisky corposo e setoso combina armoniosamente note calde di spezie con sentori di marzapane nocciolato e rovere di sherry scuro. Un Glenfiddich soddisfacentemente ricco e dolce per intenditori. Glenfiddich significa Valle dei Cervi in ​​gaelico; una valle scozzese ideale per la produzione e la maturazione di malti. È dove abbiamo sempre fatto da pionieri e perfezionato, incoraggiati dal nostro padre fondatore William Grant. Siamo ancora a conduzione familiare, cinque generazioni e il conto alla rovescia continua. La famiglia è personale e potente; un'indipendenza che ci consente di stabilire i nostri standard e scrivere le nostre regole. La nostra famiglia fondatrice ha sfidato i dubbiosi nel 1887. Stiamo ancora forgiando con orgoglio il nostro percorso oggi.

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    • Alcohol By Volume: 50.2%
      Brand: Glenfiddich
      Country Of Origin: United Kingdom
      Flavour: Sweet
      How To Enjoy: Enjoy neat, on the rocks, or with a splash of water. For something more inventive try a Glenfiddich Old Fashioned. INGREDIENTS Glenfiddich Solera VAT 3, sugar cubes, Angostura Bitters, ice cubes and an orange twist. METHOD • In a rocks glass combine one sugar cube with six dashes of Angostura Bitters. Stir until the sugar starts to dissolve. • Add 25ml of Glenfiddich Solera VAT 3, four ice cubes and stir for one minute. • Add another 25ml of Glenfiddich and fill the glass with ice. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. • Garnish with an orange twist in the glass.
      Ingredients: Please, take into account that the product information about its composition (ingredients or materials), nutritional values or instructions, among others, may be modified by manufacturers without prior notice. Therefore, please verify its content once you receive the product. 
      Key Selling Points: • WORLD’S MOST AWARDED Glenfiddich is the world’s most awarded single malt Scotch whisky, recognised with more awards, from the world’s leading competitions, than any other malt. • OUR MAVERICK SPIRIT Maverick is not something we say lightly; we believe it deeply. We question tradition, challenge conventions, stay open-minded and experiment often. The artwork on the packaging has been designed by Studio A N F to mimic the motion of each liquid and represents the concept of perpetual movement. • PIONEERING SOLERA PROCESS Our Malt Master Brian Kinsman created this range using the special Solera process. Vats have never been emptied so each drop within the cask is enriched by those that camebefore it, and those that come after too. • EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE IN THE GLOBAL TRAVEL RETAIL We recognised the growing need for differentiation and premiumisation in the global travel retail space. Gifting is a key occasion for our shoppers in GTR, with exclusivity being a key purchase trigger for this. We have catered to this with this exciting new exclusive collection.
      Liquor Colour: Brown
      Region Of Origin: Highlands
      Size: 70cl
      Tasting Notes Nose: Intriguingly complex aroma with sweet heather honey and vanilla fudge combined with rich, dark fruits.
      Tasting Notes Palate: Silky smooth, revealing layers of sherry oak, marzipan, cinnamon and ginger. Full-bodied and bursting with flavour. The finish is satisfyingly rich with lingering sweetness.
      Whisky Style: Fruity & Spicy
    • Taglia: 70cl
    • Tenant: Dufry
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